I'm glad you stopped by to visit.

I have posted lots of food for thought and some of my favorite authors and books.

I hope you find something new to inspire you!

Please take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

I am a wife, mother, and sister, a teacher retired, a seeker and a metaphysical junkie! I have researched these concepts my entire adult life and believe they are the truth about why we are here, how to live our lives happily, and what happens when we "die," (which we do not.)

I have noticed over the years that many of my friends and acquaintances do not seem to understand that we are more than our bodies in a material 3D world. They are confused why they suffer at times, feeling the victim of circumstances or of other persons in their lives. They may think, "How can a loving God do this to me or to my loved ones?"

Do I have news for them! We are SPIRITUAL BEINGS having one of many earthly experiences that we chose. We are CONSCIOUSNESS whether in our body or out of it. We were so excited to incarnate again, and we made plans for this life. There is a PURPOSE for our lives that we ourselves planned. Our challenges are opportunities that we set up for ourselves in order to learn.

My hope is that my website and my newsletters help readers to understand, through the wisdom of the wayshowers that I highlight, how MAGNIFICENT they are!


See the latest issues of my newsletter, Just Who Do We Think We Are? or Things to Consider under the "Current Newsletter" tab.

Links to all of the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 issues of Just Who Do We Think We Are?

are posted under the "Previous Newsletters" tab on the menu.

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monthly e-newsletters:

Just Who Do We Think We Are?

and Things to Consider

My "New Age" Views Are Not New

The views I express on this website are not from one particular religion or denomination. I believe there is wisdom to be found in all religions, as well as in inspiring secular writings. Expressed here are ancient universal concepts that are found at the core of basically all religions, such as:

                  • there is life after death
                  • we are spiritual beings
                  • we live more than one life
                  • the truth of the golden rule

(it's more than just a good idea, it's the law--we get back what we give out!)

Even the early Christians believed that we live more than one life. For more on that history, click on "About Reincarnation" under the "Awesome Insights" tab to see Ann Barham's article about "Reincarnation and the Early Christians." My purpose is not to change anyone's religious affiliation, but to spread the good news about who we are!

"If people really knew what they were, there'd be no wars, there'd be no poverty,

there'd be none of the ills that face humanity today."

William Buhlman, Monroe Institute