Just Who Do We Think We Are?

Shari Says...

Based on many years of studying the concepts that I have posted on my website,

I have come to the conclusion that:

We are eternal spiritual beings who are currently living one of our many lives on Earth and who are the co-creators of our experiences through our thoughts, beliefs, and pre-birth planning. We chose to incarnate at this time of transformation on the Earth to assist in raising the consciousness of the planet.

This present life is, of course, the most important to us because we are on the cutting edge of time and space and our power to create is in the present moment.

Through studying the Law of Attraction, we can learn to use our thoughts to deliberately create the lives we want. The Law of Attraction is as constant as the Law of Gravity--it is always working and responds to our thoughts whether we realize it or not.

So, as Mike Dooley says, "Thoughts become the things and events of our lives, choose the good ones!"

If my website inspires anyone to look into the law of attraction or past lives, why we are here, or what happens when we die, I will be happy because I am convinced that these are all profound truths: 

that we chose to live on earth at this time in history

that our thoughts and beliefs influence the things and events of our lives

that we do not die, we are eternal and will never cease to exist

that we live many lives, and that in-between our lives

we rest, study, learn and plan our purpose for our next life.


For me, these ideas help answer questions about why we are here.

Read the September 11, 2024, edition of Just Who Do We Think We Are?:

Messages from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11

Read the October 16, 2024, #10 edition of Things to Consider:

A Simple Meditation to Raise Consciousness

Find the links to these issues under the "Current 2024 Newsletters" tab.