Exploring Why We Are Here--Past Life Stories
The Power of Our Thoughts--What Happens When We Die
Shari Harris
Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer
Metaphysical Junkie and Commentator
This I Believe….
I matriculated into the university called Earth to work on my degree—
to progress in my education; to put my theories into action;
to test my readiness; and
to work out earthly relationships with those who chose to incarnate with me,
...as did you.
I am a great and powerful spiritual being,
...as are you.
I left a perfect home and chose to incarnate on earth
at this particular time in history,
...as did you.
I am part of the world thought.
I am a piece of the puzzle. I am the missing piece of the puzzle.
I am the answer to the puzzle,
...as are you.
I am where I am supposed to be.
And you are where you are supposed to be.
I chose to be on the earth at this time, as did you.
You and I are in the right place at the right time
doing the right thing.
Shari Harris 2003