My Favorite Topics

My search for truth has led me to certain conclusions about life. Through the years I have read about past lives, leading me to believe in reincarnation.  I came to understand that we choose to come back to Earth many times, and each of our lives is carefully planned in order for us to learn lessons that we choose for each life.

I have studied the literature about the power of our thoughts to create our lives, which led me to believe in The Law of Attraction. I learned that our thoughts influence the situations and events of our lives whether or not we realize it. We can create unhappy events by our negative thoughts just as well as the happy feelings and events which are a result of positive thinking.

I have been taught about where I would go when I die since I was a child in Sunday School, and in my research I found that much of what I learned is true to some extent. In reading about many people who have experienced Near Death Experiences, I came to believe that there is an Afterlife and that life does not end when we leave this body we are "wearing" in this life.

These discoveries allow me to have an understanding about why you and I and everybody are here. I don't know specifically about others' reasons for being, and I'm still figuring out what I'm doing, but I do know that I have a purpose for living and that everything happens for a reason. Although that's sometimes difficult to understand.

Here are three of my very favorite authors discussing my favorite topics. My website and my newsletters reflect these thoughts and my wish to pass on the joy and peace that I gain from learning about them. We are all on our own paths, so on my website, please take what resonates with you and your path and leave the rest.

"We have all lived past lives. 

All of us will live future ones. 

What we do in this life will influence our lives

to come as we evolve toward immortality."

"Our lives are not the result of random actions and events.  Lifetimes are wisely and carefully scripted to enhance our learning and evolution. 

We choose our parents, who usually are souls with whom we have interacted in prior lifetimes.  


"...With our transition from the physical to the spiritual comes clarity--clarity regarding our personality traits and characteristics, our choices and actions, and even how we affected other people and the world."

"There is a purpose for living a physical life, so remembering everything about who we are is part of the process--it's the reason for having a human life.

Who we are and how we live our lives will stay with us for all eternity, which is why every day of our lives is so important.

This is a great reminder while we're alive so that we can make the most our of life and be the best person we know how to be.

After all, the memories of this lifetime are everlasting."

Bob Olson, Answers About the Afterlife, pg. 41, 42



"There's a name for the magic which transforms lives, connects dots, moves mountains, and orchestrates coincidences that shock and astound. 


And there's a name for all that stops you in your tracks, stirs fear, spins wheels, and leaves you wondering, "Hey, what's up with that?" 


Careful where you point that thing." 

From Mike Dooley's Notes from the Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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We learn as children, adolescents, and adults, evolving spiritually as our bodies evolve physically. After our souls leave our bodies at the time of physical "death," our learning continues on higher planes, which are really higher levels of consciousness.

We review the lives we have just left, learn our lessons, and plan for our next life. Learning does not end with the death of the body."

Messages From the Masters, p. 11,
